Natural Wellness Tips for the Overstimulated Woman: Organizing Your Heart & Soul
Welcome back to Part 3 of my Wellness Tips Series. We’ve discussed how we can start our days with purpose and peace and how to declutter our tech spaces, but something I don’t see too often is how we can declutter and organize our inner world - this is what I refer to as our heart and soul.
Our heart and soul is made up of countless things that bring us happiness and sentimental value, but also things that are tucked away in the recesses of our minds trying to stay hidden. Whilst isolating difficult memories or experiences can help us survive, when those memories creep into our daily life it’s time to acknowledge them, confront them, and let them move on as they no longer serve their purpose.
My Experience with Chronic Illness: Keep Moving Forward
This is a short personal telling of my experience as a young person with chronic illness. There have been many ups and downs but with determination and a positive outlook on life, I have been able to overcome many difficulties and wanted to share the experience.